Together Again in 2024...
First of all, Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to another year full of promise and new beginnings here at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
And we are very grateful for what we have accomplished together over the last few years. It was not all that long ago when it wasn't clear if the 22nd District Agricultural Association would make it to 2022, much less 2024.
The COVID-19 pandemic upended our work at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. We do not receive tax dollars from the state, and we depend on the events and activities that we produce and host here to be able to invest in our facilities, repay our debts for capital projects, and write checks to our employees, vendors, and contractors. In turn, we boost the local economy and provide an iconic gathering place for San Diego County. And during the pandemic, we couldn't do much of any of that.
I took over as the District's CEO during the middle of those challenging times, and we immediately had to make some tough decisions and major changes. It was an extraordinarily difficult era.
But we managed through it, and thankfully now we get to be together again. And today, we are on a much more fiscally sustainable path and have an even brighter future than we did before.
We have some big plans for 2024, and over the next few years, we will make more major decisions as we continue our strategic planning efforts. We hope you will be a part of that.
But for now, let's take a look at a few of the things we are excited about in the year ahead.