The Trouble with the Train
However, the discussions over the realignment of the Los Angeles-San Diego (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor have the potential to throw the affordable housing negotiations off-track.
This rail realignment is obviously necessary, and it will include double-tracking and the reconstruction of the aging bridge that sits between our main campus and the Pacific Ocean. But there has been an effort in recent months by some to push the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to reroute the train through the District's property — a possibility that had essentially been ruled out years ago.
Because of this effort, SANDAG is taking another look at a so-called Fairgrounds alignment. This renewed consideration poses an extraordinary threat to the District's strategic planning efforts. Giving up District property to a train could be extremely disruptive to Fairgrounds operations, facilities, and business needs. And it is, at best, unclear how such a train alignment would affect the future of the San Diego County Fair, an annual tradition that has existed since 1880, and other beloved community events at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
A Fairgrounds alignment would also almost certainly lead to the abandonment of plans to construct a seasonal rail platform here that would help reduce vehicular traffic during major events. And a train portal on the District's property would make it even more difficult to find a suitable site for affordable housing. Trying to force the District to absorb both of these projects would almost certainly hamper our ability to serve our community and could cause great harm to our business, which produces tax dollars that pay for critical services in the cities of Del Mar and San Diego.
The City of Del Mar understands this, which is why its leaders have stated affordable housing is the priority. Late last year, the Del Mar City Council also added a guiding principle to its official position with SANDAG to state that the City opposes any train realignment that would negatively impact the "operational, economic, environmental, and planning needs" of the District.
In light of these challenges, the District's Board unanimously supported its own resolution that stated the following:
1. That the 22nd District Agricultural Association is firmly opposed to any LOSSAN corridor realignment that impacts operational, economic, environmental, and planning needs at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
2. That the 22nd District Agricultural Association’s top public transportation priority is the swift construction of a seasonal rail platform that will reduce vehicular traffic during major events at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, thereby improving local air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
3. That the 22nd District Agricultural Association’s property may be unable to serve as an affordable housing site for the City of Del Mar should a plan move forward to run train tracks through or across District property.
4. That this resolution takes effect immediately upon passage and reflects the official position of the 22nd District Agricultural Association.
5. That the Chief Executive Officer of the 22nd District Agricultural Association will provide a copy of this finalized resolution, along with a record of the final vote, to SANDAG and is hereby authorized to represent the Board of Directors’ position in any public or private forum.
In other words, because we are here to serve all of San Diego County, our focus will continue to be on how we can bring people to the Del Mar Fairgrounds — not through it.
This has been our goal since this site became our home in 1936 — more than 20 years before the City of Del Mar existed — and it will continue to be our goal in the decades to come as we serve our community as its iconic gathering place.