Public Records

Public Records Requests

The 22nd District Agricultural Association is subject to the California Public Records Act.

State law permits requests to be made orally or in writing. The District strives to provide accurate, complete and timely responses, and therefore encourages any person who would like to request public records that are not exempt from disclosure by statute or other authority do so in writing via email to

Requests are not required to be provided in any specific format, but the District suggests providing as much detail, clarity, and specificity as possible in the request. This can help the District locate the relevant records in a timely and efficient manner.

The District will respond within 10 days of receiving the request. In certain circumstances, the District may respond in this timeframe to seek further clarification and/or to notify the requestor that additional time will be needed to locate or compile disclosable public records. The District will also notify the requestor if any requested records are exempted from disclosure by law.

Transparent Stewardship

Annual Reports
Policies & Documents
The following documents and policies have been adopted and approved by the 22nd DAA Board of Directors.
Audited Financial Statements
The 22nd DAA’s annual financial statements are prepared and performed by an independent, third-party auditor. The last five (5) audited financial statement reports are posted below.
Master Plan
Adopted and approved by the 22nd DAA Board of Directors in 2008, this Master Plan was prepared to plan immediate, near-term projects as well as conceptual, long-term projects. The Plan focuses on enhancing and improving Del Mar Fairgrounds facilities in a manner that maintains the Fairgrounds’ distinction as a world-class fair, horse racing, equestrian, and conference/special event site.
The 22nd District Agricultural Association is working to develop a new master site plan on the property.

Form 802 Reporting
As appointees of the Governor, 22nd DAA directors are required to take ethics training courses to educate them on general ethics principles, as well as specific laws related to conflicts of interests, receiving gifts and honoraria, and government transparency. In accordance with the provisions of §18944.1 of the Fair Political Practices Commission, the 22nd DAA has posted the following:

Noise Ordinance
Noise monitoring equipment located around the perimeter of the property monitors decibel levels of non-Fair concert events. If decibel levels exceed the Noise Ordinance levels, Fairgrounds event staff investigate the noise issue and take appropriate action to mitigate noise. Members of the public may also notify event staff of excessive noise by calling (858) 794-1104. The annual San Diego County Fair is exempt from the Noise Ordinance.
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